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Yes Minister : Series 3 (2 Disc Set) (2007)



Peter Whitmore


Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne, Derek Fowlds


Comedy, Media, Television, UK Premier


United Kingdom





Running Time:

260 min

Yes Minister : Series 3 (2 Disc Set)


Yes Minister, is well known for being closer to the truth than those in the political arena would like to admit. Observe the amiable Jim Hacker PC, MP, B Sc (Econ) and his permanent Secretary, the urbane but evasive Sir Humphrey Appleby KCB, MVO, MA (Oxon), who together regularly balance the intricacies of government bureaucracy as they walk the political tightrope. This DVD features all episodes from the third series: EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES “If you’re going to promote women just because they’re the right person for the job you’re going to face a lot of resentment from the Civil Service.” Sir Humphrey doesn’t see eye to eye with the Minister’s plans for sexual equality. THE CHALLENGE Hacker has a crusade to make local authorities responsible for their expenditure. If it wasn’t for fallout shelters and that Ludovic Kennedy interview… THE SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD The 30-year rule is about to reveal the name of the young civil servant who made a complete mess of a defence contract. For some reason Sir Humphrey seems nervous… THE MORAL DIMENSION Sir Humphrey guides Jim Hacker through the difficulties of Third World politics during a visit to Kumran in the Persian Gulf. THE BED OF NAILS Responsibility for developing and implementing an Integrated National Transport Authority turns out to be a “bed of nails” for Jim Hacker. Fortunately Sir Humphrey is there to protect him from such discomfort. THE WHISKY PRIEST The Minister finds himself in possession of some embarrassing information on illegal British arms deals. Sir Humphrey is stretched when he tries to convince the Minister not to do anything foolish with the news. THE MIDDLE CLASS RIP OFF When the Minister plans to rescue a struggling football club from financial difficulty he soon learns that subsidies are not intended for what people want but for what they ought to have. PARTY GAMES The unexpected resignation of the Prime Minister has prompted an unseemly race for Number 10 among his former colleagues. The newly appointed Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby knows just what kind of man they need. One who is “malleable, flexible, likeable, has no bright ideas... and is without the sense of purpose to do anything.” And he knows just who fits the bill. Originally transmitted in the UK on 11 November, 1982




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