Based on a highly acclaimed collection of short stories by Denis Johnson, "Jesus' Son" is the intense, edgy, often hilarious story of a young man's journey from addiction and petty crime to redemption through the startling discovery of his own capacity for compassion. Set in the drug subculture of the 70's, a young man in his twenties lives day by day getting stoned, stealing, or scamming a quick buck. Through it all, he tries to make sense of the destructive passion he shares with his girlfriend Michelle. He only wants to do good and believes he has the power to heal. Unfortunately, he always bungles what he sets out to do, hence his nickname, FH short for F***head. Almost by miracle, redemption does come to FH through observed lessons learned from his new friends, crazed, pill-popping hospital orderly, a down-on-his-luck-divorcee and a half paralyzed woman he meets in rehab. FH stumbles towards sobriety and lands.