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Blazing Saddles (Blu-Ray) (1974) |
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The railroad's bound to run through the sleepy town of Rock Ridge. Land there will be worth a fortune - but the townfolk already own the land. How do you drive them out? Send the roughest, toughest, meanest, leanest gang you've got... and appoint a new sheriff you figure will last about 24 hours. But that's not really the plot of Blazing Saddles, just the pretext. Once Mel Brooks' lunatic film gets under way, logic is lost in a blizzard of gags, jokes, quips, puns, howlers, growlers and outrageous assaults upon good taste. Cleavon Little as the new lawman, Gene Wilder as the wack Waco Kid and Madeline Kahn in her wonderful Marlena Dietrich send-up that earned her an Academy Award nomination all give this sage brush saga their lunatic best...
* Please note: A dedicated Blu-Ray DVD player is required to play Blu-Ray discs. They will not play on standard DVD players.