McLibel is the story of two ordinary people who humiliated McDonald’s on the biggest corporate PR disaster in history.
McDonald’s loved using the UK libel laws to suppress criticism. Major media organizations like the BBC and The Guardian crumbled and apologized. Then they sued gardener Helen Steel and postman Dave Morris. In the longest trial in English legal history, the ”McLibel Two” represented themselves against McDonald’s €10 million legal team. Every aspect of the corporation’s business was cross-examined: from junk food and McJobs, to animal cruelty, environmental damage and advertising to children.
Outside the courtroom, Dave brought up his young son alone and Helen supported herself working nights in a bar. McDonalds tried every trick in the book against them. Legal maneuvers. A visit from Ronald McDonald. Top executives flying to London for secret settlement negotiations. Even Spies.
Seven years later, in February 2005, the marathon legal battle finally concluded at the European Court of Human Rights. And the result took everyone by surprise – especially the British Government.
McLibel is not about hamburgers.
It is all about the importance of Freedom of Speech now that multinational corporations are more powerful than countries.
Filmed over ten years by no-budget Director Franny Armstrong, McLibel is the David and Goliath story of two people who refused to say sorry. And in doing so, changed the world.
Special Features:
* 2 Disc Edition
* The Brand New 85-minute Feature Length Mclibel (2005)
* The Original 53 Minute Mclibel (1997)
* Four Hours Of Extras And 21 Special Features
* John Safran Vs Mcdonalds (safran Goes Undercover And Infiltrates Mcdonalds)
* Strasbourg Mini Doc - Helen And Dave Go Straight From A Supersizeme / Mclibel Double Bill In Central London Via An Overnight Train From Waterloo To Fight Their Case In The European Court Of Human Rights In Strasbourg.
* Secrets
o The Secretly-taped Settlement Meeting Between Helen & Dave And Mcdonald’s Executives
o The Leaflet At The Centre Of The Trial
* Mcdonald’s Post-verdict Press Conference. Watch Them Squirm.
* Mcdonald’s Spy Interview
* Our Tv Rejection Letters. “not Enough Action”
* Director's Commentary
o The Inside Story Of The Ten-year, Zero-budget Production With Director Franny Armstrong, Drama Director Ken Loach, Defendants Dave Morris & Helen Steel And Dave’s Son Charlie.
* Mcdonald's Commentary
o They Refused To Take Part, So We Made Them. Comedian Rob Newman Plays Everybody Who’s Ever Said Anything Ridiculous About Mcdonald’s. Including Founder Ray Kroc, The Mclibel Spies, Prince Philip And Us President Richard Nixon.
* Deleted Scenes
o Including Dave's Son Charlie Protesting At School, Helen And Dave Going Into A Mcdonald's Store (!) To Check Out The Salads And The Police Giving Personal Information About Helen And Dave To Mcdonald's.
* Extended Interviews
o Eric Schlosser (author Of Fast Food Nation)
o Geoffrey Giuliano (ex Ronald Mcdonald)
o Howard Lyman (mclibel Witness Of Oprah Winfrey/ Mad Cow Infamy)
o George Ritzer (author Of "the Mcdonaldisation Of Society")
o Mike Mansfield Qc
o Fran Tiller (one Of The Mcdonald's Spies)
o Keir Starmer (from Mclibel To European Human Rights Lawyer Of The Year)
o Vandanda Shiva
* Amateur Dramatics
o The Film Crew's Turn To Face Public Humiliation, As They All Take Roles In The Practise-run Of What Became Mclibel's Courtroom Reconstructions.
* Interactive Quiz
* Plus Photos, Cvs, ‘making Of’ Feature Article, Quotes & Reviews, Filmography, Theatrical Trailer