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183 Titles Found

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Titles in the US and UK Classics collections were produced prior to 1980 and will appear in the decade search 1920-1970 inclusive.
Titles in the US and UK Premier collections were produced from 1980 onwards and will appear in the decade search 1980-2010 inclusive.

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Dead Man

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Dead Man
(1995) [R]

Dead Man is the story of a young man's journey, both physically and spiritually, into very unfamiliar terrain. William Blake travels to the extreme western frontiers of America sometime in the second half of the 19th century. Lost and badly wounded, he encounters a very odd, outcast Native...  More

El Mariachi / Desperado (Double Feature)

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El Mariachi / Desperado (Double Feature)
(1992) [M]

Set in a Mexican border town, this film follows the fortunes of a sensitive peace-loving El Mariachi (Carlos Gallardo) who wishes to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather as an itinerant musician, earning his living through singing in local bars. He enters town at exactly the same...  More

Straight to Hell

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Straight to Hell
(1987) [M]

A gang of greedy thieves rob a bank, double-cross their boss and escape into the desert. But when the trigger-happy bandits try to hide in a strange town, they find themselves at war with a sadistic family of coffee-addicted outlaws known as The McMahons. Desperate, deranged and cranky, their...  More




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