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Twin Sisters

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Twin Sisters
(2002) [M]

Nominated for an Academy Award or The Best Foreign Language Film and based on the internationally bestselling novel "The Twins" by Tessa de Loo, Twin Sisters is a powerfully moving and epic love story spanning sixty years.The film opens in Germany 1926,when 6-year old twin sisters are separated...  More

Antonia's Line

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Antonia's Line
(1995) [MA]

A woman wakes up and decides that it's a good day to die. Reflecting on her past she recalls the characters and events which have gone into making her life.  More

Black Book

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Black Book
(2006) [MA]

Set during the end of WWII, Black Book is the story of Rachel Stein (van Houten) who is separated from her family and forced into hiding. Trying to flee to Allied territory, she is briefly reunited with her family, until they are murdered by the Nazis. Suspecting they have been double crossed,...  More

Buddha's Lost Children

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Buddha's Lost Children
(2006) [PG]

In the borderlands of Thailand's Golden Triangle, a rugged region known for its drug smuggling and impoverished hill tribes, one man devotes himself to the welfare of the region's children. A former Thai boxer turned Buddhist monk, he travels widely on horseback, fearlessly dispensing prayers...  More

Black Book (Blu-Ray)

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Black Book (Blu-Ray)
(2006) [MA]

Set during the end of WWII, Black Book is the story of Rachel Stein (van Houten) who is separated from her family and forced into hiding. Trying to flee to Allied territory, she is briefly reunited with her family, until they are murdered by the Nazis. Suspecting they have been double crossed,...  More

Winter in Wartime

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Winter in Wartime
(2008) [M]

January 1945. Nazi-occupied Holland is blanketed in snow. A young man Michiel inadvertently receives a map of the hiding place of a crashed RAF pilot and sets off to prove his worth. But when a dead Nazi trooper is found... a hunt for the killer begins. Unaware of the terrible consequences for...  More




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