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Search results for | Great Literature on Film

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The Joy Luck Club

Free Trial

The Joy Luck Club
(1993) [M]

Through a series of flashbacks, four young Chinese women born in America and their respective mothers born in feudal China, explore their past. This search will help them understand their difficult mother/daughter relationship and understand how their futures are affected by their pasts. Based on...  More

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
(1990) [G]

Two unhappy boarding school children, Jill Pole and Eustace Scrubb fimd themselves on a perilous quest for the lost Prince Rillian, aided and abetted by their reptilian companion Puddleglum.Their travels lead them to the Giants of Garfang and underground to the land of the earthmen. Then they...  More

Schindler's List (2 Disc Set)

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Schindler's List (2 Disc Set)
(1993) [M]

"Schindler's List" is the based-on-truth story of Nazi Czech business man Oskar Schindler, who uses Jewish labor to start a factory in occupied Poland. As World War II progresses, and the fate of the Jews becomes more and more clear, Schindler's motivations switch from profit to human sympathy...  More

The Day Of The Jackal

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The Day Of The Jackal
(1973) [PG]

The Day of the Jackal is a taut and colourful suspense thriller about the attempt by the right-wing OAS to assassinate General De Gaulle. Edward Fox portrays the ruthless anonymous assassin hired by exiled OAS chief Colonel Rodin (Eric Porter) to carry out the execution. Working under the...  More

Of Human Bondage

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Of Human Bondage
(1934) [PG]

Leslie Howard plays Philip Carey, a club-footed student of painting in Paris, who realises that his work will only ever be second rate, so he returns to England to study medicine. In a restaurant he meets and falls for Mildred, a blonde waitress (Bette Davis), who breaks a date with him to go out...  More

The Snows Of Kilimanjaro

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The Snows Of Kilimanjaro
(1952) [PG]

In this exciting adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway story, Gregory Peck plays writer Harry Street, lying wounded after an accident on a haunting trip in Kenya. Whilst waiting to be rescued, he looks back over the events of his life and reflects on his failure as a writer, his experiences in the...  More

Robbery Under Arms

Free Trial

Robbery Under Arms
(1957) [PG]

Based on Rolf Boldrewood's adventure novel of the same name, and set in the nineteenth century outback, this is the story of the biggest cattle-rustling coup in Australian history and the men who planned and executed it. Having shared the proceeds, they go their separate ways. Fate, however, has...  More

Lord Of The Flies

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Lord Of The Flies
(1963) [PG]

In this classic 1963 adaptation of William Golding's novel, a planeload of schoolboys is stranded on a tropical island. Left to fend for themselves, they must take on the responsibilities of adults, even if they are not ready to do so. Inevitably, two factions form: one group (lead by Ralph)...  More

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
(1994) [M]

Passion, obsession and horror combine to recreate the most terrifying and shattering story of all time - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It is the late 18th Century. After the death of his beloved mother, young Victor Frankenstein (Kenneth Branagh) leaves his father and Elizabeth, the adopted sister...  More

A Doll's House

Free Trial

A Doll's House
(1973) [PG]

Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career. But when the truth comes out, Nora is shocked to...  More




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