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Search results for | Action-Adventure

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King Arthur (Director's Cut)

Free Trial

King Arthur (Director's Cut)
(2004) [M]

King Arthur (Clive Owen) is a half-British, half-Roman leader and warrior who commands a brave team of knights for the Roman Empire, protecting Hadrian's Wall from the Woads (ancient Britons) in the North. Arthur and his Sarmatian knights, who include Lancelot (Ioan Gruffudd) and Bors (Ray...  More

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)

Free Trial

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)
(2004) [PG]

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and Hermione, now teenagers, return for their third year at Hogwarts, where they are forced to face escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, who poses a great threat to Harry. Harry and his friends spend their third year learning how to handle a...  More

Straight to Hell

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Straight to Hell
(1987) [M]

A gang of greedy thieves rob a bank, double-cross their boss and escape into the desert. But when the trigger-happy bandits try to hide in a strange town, they find themselves at war with a sadistic family of coffee-addicted outlaws known as The McMahons. Desperate, deranged and cranky, their...  More

Musa: The Warrior

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Musa: The Warrior
(2001) [MA]

It is 1375 and tribal clans are at war. When the Korean peace envoys are betrayed, they escape and stumble across a Ming Princess (Zyang Zi-Yi - Star of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon") and the vengeful Yan army follows in hot pursuit. Musa is an epic re-telling of the Kurosawa masterpiece Seven...  More

Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla

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Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
(1993) [PG]

Godzilla has returned and Tokyo is once again under attack! A team of crack scientists take DNA from the first Godzilla and design Kiryu, a giant mechanical Godzilla in an attempt to stop the destruction of Tokyo. Yumiko Shaku (star of Princess Blade) is Akane- the pilot of Mechagodzilla, the...  More

Hellboy (2 Disc Set)

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Hellboy (2 Disc Set)
(2004) [M]

Based on the comic book series from Dark Horse, HELLBOY is a Guillermo del Toro-directed supernatural adventure. In the B.P.R.D. (Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense) Hellboy (Ron Perlman) and other individuals with supernatural powers gather to protect society from unknown evils.  More

Tais Toi (Ruby et Quentin)

Free Trial

Tais Toi (Ruby et Quentin)
(2003) [M]

After hiding his loot and getting thrown in jail, Ruby (Jean Reno - The Professional, Mission: Impossible, Ronin), a brooding outlaw, encouters Quentin (Gerard Depardieu - The Closet, Cypress De Bergerac, Green Card), a dim-witted and garrulous giant who befriends him and botches his sole escape,...  More

Tokyo Joe

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Tokyo Joe
(1949) [PG]

Joe Barrett returns to Tokyo after World War II where he once owned a bar, Tokyo Joe's, and deserted his wife Trina. They have a seven-year-old daughter. Kimura forces Joe into piloting war criminals by revealing that during the war Trina made treasonous propaganda broadcasts.

*MR  More

Open Water

Free Trial

Open Water
(2004) [M]

Based on true events, Open Water follows an American couple, Daniel and Susan, (Daniel Travis and Blanchard Ryan) on an island holiday. Accidentally left behind on a scuba diving expedition, what follows is the story of their ordeal: cold, alone and miles from land, the couple is adrift in...  More

Sugarland Express

Free Trial

Sugarland Express
(1974) [M]

The Sugarland Express is based on the true story of Lou Jean Poplin, who kidnapped a Texas State Trooper and led the police on a wild chase across the state in an effort to save her son from adoption. This complex role was enough to lure superstar Goldie Hawn back to the screen after a one-year...  More




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