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Dirty Pretty Things

Free Trial

Dirty Pretty Things
(2002) [MA]

From director Stephen Frears, Dirty Pretty Things stars Audrey Tautou in a harrowing tale of struggle and survival for two immigrants who learn that everything is for sale in London’s secret underworld. Part of an invisible working class, Nigerian exile Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Turkish...  More

Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Free Trial

Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
(1999) [G]

For the first time ever Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's fun filled musical JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT has been specially filmed for video. Inspired by the record breaking London Palladium production, this brand new video stars Donny Osmond, Maria Friedman, Richard...  More

George and Mildred (The Movie)

Free Trial

George and Mildred (The Movie)
(1980) [PG]

Television’s most famous bickering couple, George & Mildred Roper, graduate to the big screen in the 1980 feature-length comedy starring Yootha Joyce & Brian Murphy. Mildred’s planned wedding anniversary celebrations hilariously go sour when George is mistaken for a vicious hit man leading to...  More

King Arthur (Director's Cut)

Free Trial

King Arthur (Director's Cut)
(2004) [M]

King Arthur (Clive Owen) is a half-British, half-Roman leader and warrior who commands a brave team of knights for the Roman Empire, protecting Hadrian's Wall from the Woads (ancient Britons) in the North. Arthur and his Sarmatian knights, who include Lancelot (Ioan Gruffudd) and Bors (Ray...  More

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)

Free Trial

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)
(2004) [PG]

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and Hermione, now teenagers, return for their third year at Hogwarts, where they are forced to face escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, who poses a great threat to Harry. Harry and his friends spend their third year learning how to handle a...  More

Two Men Went to War

Free Trial

Two Men Went to War
(2002) [PG]

This comedy drama is the true story of two Army dentists Sergeant Peter King (Kenneth Cranham) and Private Leslie Cuthbertson (Leo Bill) who, in 1942, stole a bag of hand grenades, two revolvers and a set of the best dental equipment that money could buy and went off to invade occupied France on...  More

Arthur's Dyke

Free Trial

Arthur's Dyke
(2001) [M]

Twenty years ago, three men set out on the longest walk of their lives. They vowed to repeat the walk, but this time they are joined by a forty year old wife and mother who is in the midst of a mid-life crisis.  More

Mrs Henderson Presents

Free Trial

Mrs Henderson Presents
(2005) [M]

London, 1937: Mrs Laura Henderson (Judi Dench), a woman of wealth and connections, has just buried her beloved husband and finds herself widowed, alone... and bored! Her friends suggest she take up a hobby and, to their surprise, she buys the derelict Windmill Theatre in London’s West End. She...  More


Free Trial

(2005) [PG]

Santiago Munez is a poor Mexican-American immigrant who seems destined to follow his father into menial jobs to support the family. But with his exceptional talent for soccer, Santiago is given the chance of a lifetime to live his dream and make it as a professional footballer. This means leaving...  More


Free Trial

(2004) [MA]

A devastated father struggles to find answers after a bomb detonated in the peaceful Irish town of Omagh claims the life of his twenty-one year-old son in this topical docudrama from writer/producer Paul Greengrass and director Pete Travis. In 1988 a group who referred to themselves as the "Real...  More




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