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Search results for | Film Noir

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While The City Sleeps

Free Trial

While The City Sleeps
(1956) [PG]

The playboy son of a television and newspaper tycoon who inherits all on his father's death, decides to appoint his father's successor. The person who discovers the identity of the Lipstick Killer, who is terrorising the streets of New York will run the news empire.  More

Shock Corridor

Free Trial

Shock Corridor
(1963) [MA]

Young and ambitious newspaper reporter Johnny Barrett will pay any price for success. Sometimes, the price can be too high... With the help of his editor and a leading psychologist, Johnny feigns insanity inorder to get into an asylum where a brutal murder is witnessed by three patients. With the...  More

The Asphalt Jungle

Free Trial

The Asphalt Jungle
(1950) [PG]

You have a lot of time to think when you're locked away seven years. So criminal mastermind Doc conceives what he believes is the perfect heist. As in The Maltese Falcon and The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, director John Huston explores the feverish grab for the big score and how it unravels in...  More

The Spiral Staircase

Free Trial

The Spiral Staircase
(1945) [PG]

This superb Hitchcockian thriller shocked critics and audiences on its initial release. With a superb performance from the cast (Dorothy McGuire in particular), a wonderful eerie gothic mansion and a chilling atmosphere of fear and suspense, it is easy to see why the film stands out as one of the...  More

Scarlet Street

Free Trial

Scarlet Street
(1945) [PG]

Chris Cross, 25 years a cashier, has a gold watch and little else. That rainy night, he rescues delectable Kitty from her abusive boyfriend Johnny. Smitten, amateur painter Chris lets Kitty think he's a wealthy artist. At Johnny's urging, she lets Chris establish her in an apartment (with his...  More

Call Northside 777

Free Trial

Call Northside 777
(1948) [M]

Henry Hathaway directs this perfect film noir with Stewart in a great role as a reporter on the search for truth and finds himself right in the middle of the re-opening of a ten year old murder case. Lee J. Cobb and Richard Conte also star.  More

Dead Reckoning

Free Trial

Dead Reckoning
(1947) [PG]

Humphrey Bogart is at his best as a hardboiled sleuth in this '40s film noir. In one of his most exciting roles, the inimitable Bogie plays Rip Murdock, an ex-G.I. trying to find out who framed his pal Johnny for murder - and then rubbed him out! Tracing his war buddy's shadowy past leads Rip to...  More

The Letter

Free Trial

The Letter
(1940) [PG]

Six years after exploding to stardom in Of Human Bondage, Bette Davis equalled that excitement with another W. Somerset Maugham role as an adulteress using her sexual wiles to escape a murder conviction in The Letter. The film throbs with sultry tension thanks to Davis, an impeccable supporting...  More


Free Trial

(1946) [PG]

Nocturne opens with a tremendous night time aerial shot outside of a modern home hanging off some L.A. hill. The camera rolls slowly closer to the wall-sized window of the home where a man is playing piano. Without cutting, the camera moves through the living room without cutting and focuses on...  More


Free Trial

(1932) [M]

Big Louis Costillo, last of the old-style gang leaders is slain, and his former bodyguard Tony Camonte is taken into custody. Since Costillo's body has never been found, the police have to release him, though they strongly suspect Johnny Loro paid Tony to remove Big Louis. Tony begins taking over...  More




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