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The Jungle Book (1967)

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The Jungle Book (1967)
(1967) [G]

Disney animation inspired by Rudyard Kiplings "Mowgli" story. Mowgli is a boy who has been raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. When the wolves hear that the fierce tiger, Shere Kahn, is nearby, they decide to send Mowgli to a local "man tribe". On his way to the village, Mowgli meets many...  More

Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World

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Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
(1998) [G]

When news of John Smith's death reaches America, Pocahontas is devastated. She sets off to London with John Rolfe, to meet with the King of England on a diplomatic mission: to create peace and respect between the two great lands. However, Governor Ratcliffe is still around; he wants to return to...  More

The Rescuers Down Under

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The Rescuers Down Under
(1990) [G]

Cody, a boy from Mugwomp Flats responds to a distress call about a trapped giant Golden Eagle called Marahute. Freeing her, he gains a close friendship with the bird. However, Cody is soon abducted by the murderous poacher, Percival McLeach, who is after that bird which is of a highly endangered...  More

The Black Hole

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The Black Hole
(1979) [PG]

The crew of the spaceship Palamino stumbles across the ''lost'' ship U.S.S. Cygnus, hovering on the edge of an immense black hole. Once aboard, they find the ship is manned by robots - it's only human inhabitant, one Dr. Hans Reinhardt; an eminent scientist, missing for the past twenty years. His...  More

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit
(1988) [PG]

It's the story of a cartoon character named Roger Rabbit who exists along side of real humans. Eventually, it is revealed that Marvin Acme, the owner of the Acme Company and of Toontown, has been murdered! But all fingers point to Roger Rabbit, a Toon star at Maroon Cartoons. But unfortunately...  More

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (BBC TV)

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (BBC TV)
(1988) [G]

In World War, the four Pevenses children: Peter Susan, Edmund and Lucy are evacuated from London to the country house of an eccentric old professor. There, bored and restless, first Lucy and Edmund, and then all four of the kids make their way through an attic wardrobe in Narnia, a magical land...  More

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2 Disc Set)

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2 Disc Set)
(2001) [PG]

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first film in the Harry Potter series based off the novels by J.K. Rowling. It is the tale of Harry Potter, an ordinary 11-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to...  More

Inspector Gadget 2

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Inspector Gadget 2
(2003) [G]

Get ready for more wild adventures packed with double the special effects, double the gadgets and double the fun of the original! It's Walt Disney Pictures' Inspector Gadget 2 - Premiering only on Disney DVD and video. Just when things are quieting down in Riverton, everything goes wrong....  More

The Karate Kid

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The Karate Kid
(1984) [PG]

Daniel and his mother move from New Jersy to California. She has a wonderful new job but Daniel discovers that a dark haired Italian boy with a Jersey accent doesn't fit into the blond surfer crowd, especially when he tries to date one of their girl friends. Daniel manages to talk his way out of...  More

The Karate Kid (Parts II and III)

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The Karate Kid (Parts II and III)
(1986) [PG]

The Karate Kid Part II: The action was tougher and the success even bigger for the first sequel to THE KARATE KID. In 1986, THE KARATE KID PART II re-united the talented team behind the original smash-hit for a brand new adventure. Far away from the cheering crowds and the safety of home, Daniel...  More




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