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Nick Cassavetes - 3 Titles Found
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John Q

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John Q
(2002) [M]

John Q Archibald is a factory worker whose job has been cut to 20 hours a week. Even with his wife working, the family is sliding further into debt. Yet despite their financial problems, the Archibalds are happy, loving and especially proud of their nine-year-old son, Mike. Then tragedy strikes....  More

The Notebook

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The Notebook
(2004) [PG]

Allie Hamilton (Rachel McAdams) arrives at the coastal town of Seabrook, North Carolina, to spend the summer with her family. Still in her teens, she meets local boy Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) at a carnival. Noah instantly senses that he and Allie are meant to be together – despite the fact...  More

My Sister's Keeper

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My Sister's Keeper
(2009) [M]

What keeps a family together? Nick Cassavetes, the director of The Notebook and John Q, again demonstrates his sure hand with tales of deep human emotion in this inspiring film about a loving family challenged - and united - by a child's illness. Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin and...  More




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