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Paul McGuigan - 3 Titles Found
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The Acid House

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The Acid House
(1998) [R]

Three twisted tales of abuse, drugs, displaced personalities and insect life by Scottish writer Irving Welsh. - 1st story: "The Granton Star Cause": The first story is a black comedy that combines revenge, football, and religion. After a disastrous 24 hours where Boab is sacked from his...  More

Wicker Park

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Wicker Park
(2004) [M]

In remaking the 1996 French thriller L'appartement, director Paul McGuigan transplants the story to the snow-covered Windy City, Chicago. Josh Hartnett is Matthew, a good-looking young man who has a great job and an even greater girlfriend. But just before he's about to get on a plane to China...  More

The Wrong Man

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The Wrong Man
(2006) [MA]

In an airport waiting room, a man in a wheelchair tells a stranger a story about a fixed horse race in 1979 that resulted in a family's deaths. In Manhattan, two bookies and the son of a Mob boss die. A young man just out of the shower answers the door to a neighbour woman and explains that he's...  More




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