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Vittorio De Sica - 7 Titles Found
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The Bicycle Thief (Ladri Di Biciclette)

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The Bicycle Thief (Ladri Di Biciclette)
(1948) [PG]

An Italian worker during the great depression finds work putting up posters. On his first day his bike is stolen and his chance to bring his family out of poverty is in jeopardy. He takes his son and some friends through the city in search of the bicycle that means economic survival to him.  More

Umberto D

Free Trial

Umberto D
(1952) [PG]

The story of an old retired office worker whose lonely, impoverished life becomes unbearable to the point where something has to give. Italian dialogue with subtitles.  More

Miracle In Milan

Free Trial

Miracle In Milan
(1950) [G]

Vittorio DeSica's follow-up to The Bicycle Thief documents the lives of the poverty-stricken in post-war Italy. Francesco Golisano is Good Toto, an orphan boy who begins living with a cluster of beggars. His organizational efforts bring some structure to the colony and engenders a sense of faint...  More

The Garden Of The Finzi Continis

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The Garden Of The Finzi Continis
(1970) [M]

Dominique Sanda plays the daughter of a cultured Italian Jewish family of immense wealth, languishing in aristocratic privilege on their estate, oblivious, until the end, to the danger that Fascism poses for their precious world.

*MR  More

Marriage Italian Style

Free Trial

Marriage Italian Style
(1964) [PG]

Domenico, a successfull businessman, with an eye for the girls, begins an affair with Filumena when she is 17 years old. She becomes a prostitute, but also becomes the mistress of Domenico. He eventually sets her up in an apartment, and she works for him in his various businesses. She secretly...  More

After the Fox

Free Trial

After the Fox
(1966) [G]

Vittorio De Sica directs Peter Sellers in this comedy penned by Neil Simon. Millions of dollars worth of gold bullion is on its way from Cairo to an unknown Italian destination. There is only one criminal mastermind capable of stealing it: Aldo Vanucci (Sellers), also known as "the Fox". Aldo...  More

Boccaccio 70

Free Trial

Boccaccio 70
(1962) [M]

Boccaccio '70 is a compendium of short subjects directed by three of Italy's top filmmakers. Each story is written in the style of the famed Italian essayist Boccaccio, albeit told in contemporary terms. First up is "The Raffle", written by Cesare Zavattini and directed by Vittorio De Sica:...  More




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