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Bryan Brown - 12 Titles Found
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Breaker Morant

Free Trial

Breaker Morant
(1980) [PG]

Hero or villian? His exploits shook an empire... and made him a legend. South Africa, 1901: The British war against the Boers has deteriorated into bitter guerilla warfare. A unit of the Bushveldt Carbineers made up mainly of Australians is ordered by the British High Command to fight the Boer on...  More

The Shiralee

Free Trial

The Shiralee
(1987) [PG]

Macauley is a swagman on the road in the 1940s looking for work. He's a laid back, laconic sort of bloke but when he gets landed with his daughter after his drunken play-girl wife in Adelaide makes him face up to what she believes are his responsibilities, neither he nor his daughter are ready...  More

The Odd Angry Shot

Free Trial

The Odd Angry Shot
(1979) [M]

Tom Jeffrey's classic Australian film The Odd Angry Shot is set in the late 1960s in the war Australians shared with the United States: the struggle for Vietnam. Harry (Graham Kennedy), is a hard-edged SAS corporal who is serving his second tour of duty in Vietnam. In his new company of...  More

Dead Heart

Free Trial

Dead Heart
(1996) [MA]

In the desert village of Wala Wala, a jailed Aboriginal is found dead in local lawman Ray Lorkin's police lock-up. In an attempt to reconcile aboriginal traditions vs. Australian law, Lorkin allows Mannga, the father of the dead prisoner, a "pay back" to restore order. But conflict heightens when...  More

Money Movers

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Money Movers
(1979) [R]

The counting house at Darcey's Security Services is a fortress. Security is intense and any would-be-robbers have little hope, unless they get "inside" help. Money Movers is a fast-moving, ultra-violent telling of Australia's biggest and bloodiest armed robbery, the theft of $20 million from a...  More

Two Hands

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Two Hands
(1999) [MA]

A 19 year old (Heath Ledger) finds himself in debt to a local gangster (Bryan Brown) when some gang loot disappears and sets him on the run from thugs. Meanwhile two street kids start a shopping spree when they find the missing money. Rose Byrne co-stars as a country girl, who Ledger starts a...  More

Dirty Deeds

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Dirty Deeds
(2002) [MA]

Sydney, 1969. Crime is cool, cops are crooked and 20 bucks buys you a whole night out. For Barry (Bryan Brown), life is sweet. He runs the girls, the clubs and the illegal casinos, and not even crooked Detective Ray (Sam Neill) dares to stand in his way. Barry's wife Sharon (Toni Collette) wears...  More

The Umbrella Woman

Free Trial

The Umbrella Woman
(1987) [M]

Marge, a sensuous but proper wife, lives with her quiet lumberjack husband Sonny in a remote Aussie town. Lonely and unfulfilled, Marge is both aroused and revolted when the town’s sexy new bartender, Neville, unsuccessfully forces his attentions on her. However, with her passions unleashed...  More

Cactus (2008)

Free Trial

Cactus (2008)
(2008) [M]

To gain some much needed cash, John Kelly (Travis McMahon) accepts a job to kidnap and deliver professional gambler Eli Jones (David Lyons) to his keepers in the outback: No questions asked. The journey takes both captor and hostage out of the safety of the city, deep into the desert where a...  More


Free Trial

(2008) [M]

In northern Australia at the beginning of World War II, an English aristocrat inherits a cattle station the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn stock-man to drive 2,000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the...  More




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