Visually ravishing and sensual, Artemisia tells the extraordinary story of seventeen year old Artemisia Gentelischi, daughter of the renowned painter Orazio. Although passionately sharing her father's love of art, she is frustrated by the conventions seventeenth century Italy which forbids women...More
THE TULSE LUPER SUITCASES follows the titular character on a series of cross-country adventures starting in 1928 - the year uranium was discovered - until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Traveling through such diverse terrain as the mid-West of America, Japan, Manchuria and Siberia, Tulse...More
Tulse Luper is a 20th century everyman whose collection of 92 suitcases intersects with every person, event and movement in history.
Here in the second of a three part story, we find him working in a cinema, which gives him ample opportunity to cross paths with virtually every...More
The Tulse Luper Suitcases is Tristan Shandy gone haywire - or Monty Python taken to even more absurd depths The contents of the suitcases are revealed one by one. Suitcase number twelve : frogs. 92 Ways of Representing the World: #5 The bath. The number 92 is derived from the element number of...More