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Richard Pryor - 3 Titles Found
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California Suite

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California Suite
(1978) [M]

California Suite is the story of five couples who come to the Beverly Hills Hotel for diverse reasons and who must all confront some rather amusing personal dilemmas. Sidney Cochran (Michael Caine) becomes the victim of wife Diana's (Maggie Smith) outrage when she misses winning an Oscar (Smith...  More

Superman III

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Superman III
(1983) [PG]

After Superman: The Movie's epic storytelling and Superman II's awesome battles, how could the first two hits be topped? In Superman III, meet Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor), a half-witted computer programming natural. For him a keyboard is a weapon and Superman faces the microelectronic menace of...  More

Wild in the Streets / Gas-s-s-s  (Double Feature)

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Wild in the Streets / Gas-s-s-s (Double Feature)
(1968) [R]

Wild in the Streets:
Max Flatow is a precocious, social miscreant who has a way with home-made explosives. When he tires of these, he runs away from home only to emerge seven years later as Max Frost, the world's most popular entertainer. When Congressman John Fergus uses Frost as a...  More




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