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Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla

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Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
(1993) [PG]

Godzilla has returned and Tokyo is once again under attack! A team of crack scientists take DNA from the first Godzilla and design Kiryu, a giant mechanical Godzilla in an attempt to stop the destruction of Tokyo. Yumiko Shaku (star of Princess Blade) is Akane- the pilot of Mechagodzilla, the...  More

Godzilla: All Monsters Attack

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Godzilla: All Monsters Attack
(1969) [PG]

Ichiro is a highly imaginitive, but lonely, boy growing up in urban Tokyo. Every day he comes home to the empty apartment he shares with his railroad worker father and his restaurant hostess mother. His only friends are a toy maker name Shinpei Inami and a little girl named Sachicko. The only...  More

The Mysterians

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The Mysterians
(1957) [PG]

Aliens arrive on Earth and ask permission to be given a certain tract of land for their people to live on. But when they are discovered to be invaders, responsible for the giant robot that is destroying cities, the armed forces attempt to stop them with every weapon available.

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