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Emerald City (2 Disc Set)

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Emerald City (2 Disc Set)
(1990) [M]

A tale of two cities, four people and life's little pleasures... money, lust, temptation, greed, power and ambition. Adapted from David Williamson's hit play, this classic black comedy sees a successful couple move from Melbourne to Sydney in search of artistic integrity but instead encounter a...  More

The Dismissal (2 Disc Set)

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The Dismissal (2 Disc Set)
(1983) [PG]

The mini-series about the drama surrounding the dismissal of Mr. Gough Whitlam as the Labour Prime Minister of Australia - on 11 November, 1975 - by the then Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr - and the subsequent installation, in Parliament, of the Liberal 'caretaker government' and...  More

Smiley Gets a Gun

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Smiley Gets a Gun
(1959) [PG]

Smiley Gets A Gun continues the adventures of Smiley, who is determined to get a .22 rifle. Desperate, he steals his father’s old Blunderbuss. Sergeant Flaxman (Chips Rafferty) promises him one if he can behave himself. Trouble arises when he is accused of releasing a goat into church, starting...  More




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