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Paulette Goddard - 3 Titles Found
Reap The Wild Wind
(1942) [PG]
In this turbulent swashbuckler, Cecil B. DeMille presents a tale of daring piracy and hot-blooded love. 1840s Key West is filled with salvage businesses thriving on the cargo of wrecked ships. Ship owner Loxi Claiborn (Paulette Goddard) suspects salvager King Cutler (Raymond Massey) of foul play,... More
The Ghost Breakers
(1940) [PG]
Paramount followed up its successful Bob Hope/Paulette Goddard co-star The Cat and the Canary (1939) by warming up another venerable "old dark house" stage play, Paul Dickey and Charles Goddard's The Ghost Breaker, pluralizing the title to accommodate both stars. This time Hope plays radio... More
The Cat and the Canary
(1939) [PG]
Ten years have passed since the death of millionaire, Cyrus Norman. Cosby, Cyrus' attorney, has gathered Cyrus' 6 remaining relatives to his New Orleans' mansion for Cyrus' "reading of the will". To the others disappointment, Joyce is the sole heir, but, due to a streak of insanity running in the... More