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Richard Wattis - 5 Titles Found
The Importance Of Being Earnest (1952)
(1952) [G]
This star-studded version of Oscar Wilde's classic comedy is full of charm and remains the definitive version of his work. Jack Worthing (Michael Redgrave) and Algernon Moncrieff (Michael Denison) are two wealthy bachelors in love. Jack is in love with Gwendelon Fairfax (Joan Greenwood) and... More
The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery
(1966) [G]
St. Trinian's High School meets the highwaymen. And it's high-class laughs all the way to the bank. After the hijack of the century, crooks infiltrate St. Trinian's High Society - the site where they've highlighted to hide their loot. But the high-spirited schoolgirls decide to take on the... More
Blue Murder At St Trinian's
(1956) [PG]
If only those uncontrollable St Trinian's pupils had brushed up on Latin grammar. Because the notorious schoolgirls have won a UNESCO prize trip to Rome. But while learning the Italian for Lacrosse, they get mixed up with a jewel thief on the lam. And their blackboard bungling makes him wish he'd... More
Simon And Laura
(1955) [G]
In the 1950's days of only BBC television, a wet-behind-the-ears producer has the idea of basing a family drama series on a real-life happily married actor couple. Unfortunately he chooses the Fosters, who need the money and so do the show. Actors they may be, but happily married they most surely... More
The Abominable Snowman (of The Himalayas)
(1957) [PG]
Before Frankenstein cursed, before Dracula horrified, Hammer Studios went in search of the Abominable Snowman! Peter Cushing stars as John Rollason, a botanist leading a blustery American gunrunner (Forrest Tucker) and his party of explorers up the frozen peaks of the Himalayas to track the... More