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Michael Gambon - 34 Titles Found
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The Singing Detective: BBC TV mini-series (Disc 1 of 3)

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The Singing Detective: BBC TV mini-series (Disc 1 of 3)
(1986) [MA]

From one of the great experimentalists of TV drama comes a compellingly original tour-de-force which mingles fantasy and reality with haunting hit songs of the 1940's. The award-winning The Singing Detective, acclaimed as Dennis Potter's masterpiece, is a dazzlingly entertaining and multi-layered...  More

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2 Disc Set)
(2004) [PG]

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and Hermione, now teenagers, return for their third year at Hogwarts, where they are forced to face escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, who poses a great threat to Harry. Harry and his friends spend their third year learning how to handle a...  More

The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

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The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
(1989) [R]

At Le Hollandais gourmet restaurant, every night is filled with opulence, decadence, and gluttony. But when the cook (Richard Bohringer), a thief (Michael Gambon), his wife (Helen Mirren) and her lover (Alan Howard) all come together, they unleash a shocking torrent of sex, food, murder and...  More

The Browning Version (1994)

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The Browning Version (1994)
(1994) [M]

As the term comes to an end at the private boys' school, the Abbey, the classics master Andrew Crocker-Harris (Albert Finney) is also coming to the end of his long teaching career. Looking back on over two decades in the school, Crocker-Harris realises that his entire life has been one of dismal...  More

The Insider

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The Insider
(1999) [M]

Russell Crowe and Al Pacino come together for 'The Insider' -a film nominated for six Academy Awards, including best Actor (Crowe) and Best Director (Mann). This suspense drama is based on the true story of Lowell Bergman's (Pacino) battle with CBS media executives to air an interview with...  More

The Wind In The Willows  - The Willows in Winter (Double Feature)

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The Wind In The Willows - The Willows in Winter (Double Feature)
(1995) [G]

Generations of children and adults have been enchanted by Kenneth Grahame’s enduring classic “The Wind in the Willows” (1995) and his loveable characters, Rat, Mole, Badger and the inimitable Toad. Faithful to the original novel, this beautifully animated feature film captures all the...  More

Dancing At Lughnasa

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Dancing At Lughnasa
(1998) [PG]

It is the summer of 1936 and Europe is on the verge of a terrible change. But far removed from the frightening violence the Mundy family are sheltered in their close-knit home in Ballybeg, Donegal. Michael, the illegitimate son of the youngest sister, feels the joy and security of his family. But...  More

Sleepy Hollow

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Sleepy Hollow
(1999) [MA]

In the early United States of America, young policeman Ichabod Crane is sent to from New York to the fledgling settlement of Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of ghoulish murders. On his arrival, the town council informs him that the three victims were killed in open ground, and the heads had...  More

Wives And Daughters (2 disc set)

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Wives And Daughters (2 disc set)
(1999) [PG]

Wives and Daughters is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published in the Cornhill Magazine as a serial from August 1864 to January 1866 and adapted for television by the BBC in 1999.

The story revolves around Molly Gibson, only daughter of a widowed doctor living in a provincial...  More

Gosford Park

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Gosford Park
(2001) [M]

Robert Altman directs this elegant period drama and Agatha Christie-style murder mystery that features the cream of British acting talent. Gathered at aristocrat Michael Gambon's big house are fellow toffs Charles Dance, James Wilby and Jeremy Northam (as British matinee idol Ivor Novello) among...  More




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